Exploring the World of GISH Technology in Japan to validate BNI (Biological Nitrification Inhibition) trait in wheat.

On April 11, 2022, ICAR-BISA-JICA started working on a new initiative called “Project for the Establishment of Nitrogen-Efficient Wheat Production Systems in Indo-Gangetic Plains by the Development of BNI Technology”. Three ICAR institutions (IIWBR and CSSRI in Karnal, IARI at New Delhi) are involved in this project to breed BNI wheat varieties in India. A full-fledged breeding program has been initiated by the three ICAR institutions and BISA at the three BISA research farms in India (Ludhiana, Jabalpur & Samastipur). For identifying wheat lines carrying BNI trait it is necessary to use GISH (Genomic In Situ Hybridization) technology. Therefore, taking a step forward and considering the capacity-building needs of the teams involved, a hands-on training was organised by the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), and Tsukuba Ibaraki, JAPAN, a renowned institute revered for its contributions to agricultural sciences. The training organised for eight days (17th Feb to 25th Feb) aimed at providing hands-on training to scientists from India on GISH technology to validate BNI translocation.
Dr. Manish K Vishwakarma, BISA, Dr. Ajay Bhardwaj, Principal Scientist, CSSRI, Dr. C N Mishra Senior Scientist, IIWBR and Dr. Harikrishna, Scientist, IARI, participated in the training.
During the visit, scientists visited JIRCAS’s state-of-the-art facilities, where cutting-edge research is conducted on various agricultural challenges. From climate-resilient crop varieties to sustainable farming practices, the breadth of research undertaken at JIRCAS was truly impressive for the scientists.

The team was welcomed by Dr. SUBBARAO Guntur Venkata’s (Group Leader for BNI Research Crop) informative talk on BNI technology. Later, Dr. KISHII Masahiro, a distinguished researcher at JIRCAS, adeptly navigated scientists through GISH’s theoretical and practical aspects. He elucidated the principles behind GISH and its application in identifying chromosomal translocations with clarity and enthusiasm. Each concept was meticulously explained, from the fundamentals of probe design to the intricacies of hybridization techniques, laying a solid foundation for a hands-on experience. They examined the samples under the fluorescence microscope and observed the signs of translocation, charting new frontiers in genetic analysis.
Scientists not only deepened their understanding of GISH technology but also fostered a sense of camaraderie. “As we reflect on our time at this esteemed institute, we are grateful for the opportunity to learn from the best in the field and contribute to the ever-expanding tapestry of scientific knowledge. We had the honor of meeting with the president JIRCAS Mr. Osamu KOYAMA, who graciously shared their vision for the future of agricultural science” said Dr. Manish Vishwakarma.
Scientists also had an opportunity to visit Tokyo and witness the awe-inspiring beauty of Mount Fuji and Mt. Tsukuba leaving a deeper appreciation for Japanese culture, discipline, and tradition.